Tic Tac Tum

2012, 2017



Tic Tac Tum



“Spontaneous Beauty”
2017.2.18 – 3.26
Kyoto Art Center (Kyoto, JP)
30 pieces of Clocks


Someday, that place in time.



2012.9.12 – 10.6
Do a Front (Yamaguchi, JP)
51 pieces of Clocks


  In old times, during a prevalently agricultural lifestyle, time was perceived as “the movement of celestial objects”. After thousands of years, people started to listen to the sound of churches, temples and shrines, then to the chiming of school bells and town halls to measure time. In other words, people perceived time collectively as “the time of the city”. Nowadays, with wristwatches or mobile phones widely available, time, quite literally, fits into the palm of our hand. A so-called “individual time”.
  In this work Sasahara portrayed the time between the “city time” and the “individual time”, in other words, the “home time”. This work consists of wall clocks borrowed from 51 different homes in the gallery`s neighbourhood, put on display together in one exhibition space. The clocks had all different stories attached to them, such as “Our clock goes 5 minutes early” or “Our clock is always late, so I don`t even look at it anymore”. When put into one room one could hear the clock needles all ticking in a different manner and the individual clocks started ringing all of a sudden at different times, creating a feeling of disunity, a “localised timedifference”.


かつて農耕の時期を知るために測ったであろう時刻は「天体の動きそのもの」であり、数千年単位の時を経て、寺社や教会 の鐘、学校や役所のチャイムにいたる「街の時刻」まで降りたあと、腕時計などの「個人の時刻」として私たちの掌に収まった と考えている。本作では「街」と「個人」の間にある「家庭」の時刻を取り扱った。展覧会場の近隣住人から、各家 庭で使っている時計を会期中借り受け作品として公開した。「うちの時計は5分早い」「いつも合ってないから見ない」といった家 庭まであり、調子の揃わない針の振動と、勝手に鳴り始める鐘に象徴された不揃いな価値観を垣間見ることとなった。

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