Home and Away



Home and Away





2007 “Project the Projectors 2007” / Tokyo University of Arts, Ibaraki, JP
2007 “viewing room vol.04” / Daiwa Press, Hiroshima, JP
2007 “on the turn” / hiromiyoshii, Tokyo, JP




No materials; I transformed a space used for a previous program into a blank space.



   “Home and Away”, Sasahara`s graduation work at the Tokyo University of Arts, was created specifically as a “work of Nothing”. For that purpose Sasahara utilized the office of an affiliated professor, which was located on the second floor of an atrium, with a glass wall separating the corridor outside the office from the atrium. First, constructing a temporal scaffolding on the floor below, with the top fixed at the same height as the floor of the office. Then, all the tables, sofas, bookshelves etc, everything inside the office was carried out and repositioned on the top of the scaffolding. From the empty office room the “fake office” on the other side of the glass wall was visible like a mirror image. However, the main purpose of this artwork dwells not in the “fake office”, but in the “empty space” itself. Sasahara received the Kawamata Prize for “Home and Away”. Additionally, this work was also presented at the “viewing room vol.04” (Daiwa Press) exhibition and the “on the turn” (hiromiyoshii) exhibition.


東京芸術大学での卒業制作として発表した本作は、「なにもない作品」を目指して制作され、所属していた研究室内で展示された。私は研究室内にあった机・ソファ・本棚などを運び出し、それらを廊下を挟んだ反対側の空間(ガラス張りの下階からの吹き抜けに立てた仮設の櫓の上)に再配置した。なにもなくなった展示室からは虚像としての研究室を望むことができたが、本作における作品性は「空っぽになった空間」に宿っている。本作で第3回川俣正賞を受賞したほか、viewingroom vol.04 (大和プレス)及び on the turn (hiromiyoshii)にて発表を行った。

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